Tuesday, October 31, 2006

By the way, the works of women are symbolical

I'm having some teething problems with this blog.
It'll be better soon.
'Til then, here's a quote to sink your chops into...

"By the way,
The works of women are symbolical,
We sew, sew, prick our fingers, dull our sight,
Producing what? A pair of slippers, sir,
To put on when you're weary - or a stool
To stumble over and vex you...'curse that stool!'
Or else at best, a cushion, where you lean
And sleep, and dream of something we are not
But would be for your sake. Alas, alas!
This hurts most, this - that after all, we are paid
The worth of our work, perhaps."

I don't really know what she's getting at, but I like it! I'm no feminist, believe you me. Something about this quote just struck a chord. Well, a momentary moment of, 'aaaah, cool.' You know the feeling. Or perhaps you don't. How presumptuous of me!

I think you should read Dark Looks by Denise Riley. It's weird but good. As is most vaguely modern poetry! The thing is, it catches you out the first time. I mean, you phase out half way thru, and then you see that last line and its like she knew it would happen! Good work Denise Riley.


It was a phase. I'm over it.

I have tried (and failed) on three occasions to start a blog. I don't know, none of them were really 'me'. The first wasn't supposed to be. It was going to be the anonymous musings of a slightly world weary late-teen...aka thoroughly uninteresting egomaniacal self-pity in text form. It was a phase. I'm over it.

Today I felt like blogging. I read some good blogs that made me chuckle and ponder, hand stroking chin and everything. Blogs like that make me want to blog. Occasionally they make me want to chop off my fingertips so I can't type in an attempt to blog. Today they made me want to blog. Thing is, I think you have to find your 'blog voice.'

Oh dear, it's all too much pressure. Really I didn't want to strap on the harness and begin to negotiate this solar eclipsing mountain of work I have to do. I don't care how beautiful the snow-capped peak is. Or how the air up there is so fresh it boots you in the nostrils with every breath. Or whether clouds really do feel like candy floss. I just don't want to do it. But, kids, I'm gunna. I've gotta.

I leave you with this; The word 'poetry' is funny. If you write it or type it or look at it too much, it makes you smile. Poetry. Poem. Poet. Poetry. Poetry. Po is a Tellytubby. Edgar Allen Poe was a writer. Poetry is a funny word. Don't you think?
