While playing with his friend in the garden, he noticed smoke coming from the windows of a nearby house. The little superhero then ran to the house to tell the baby's mother who was too afraid to go into the burning building herself.
So, just like any superhero, Riquelme decided to brave the flames to rescue the damselette in distress. With a simple instruction to the baby's mother, 'Don't cry, don't scream because I'm going to save baby Andrielle,' he disappeared into the smoke. Brave kid. Apparently minutes later both baby and rescuer were safely outside in the fresh air and reunited with mum.
Riquelme is the talk of his home town and has said he now wants to become a firefighter and save more lives. Talk about pursuing your dreams from an early age!
My 'one good deed for the day' usually involves remembering to recycle the milk carton, or holding the door open for someone. Man, I need to get more creative!
too true... I need to get myself a spiderman costume... oh wait, was that not the point?! hehe
Keep up the good work.
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